How to get an ESA Letter?

How to get an ESA Letter?

An ESA letter is a document that states that an individual has a mental or emotional disability that benefits from the companionship of an emotional support animal (ESA). The letter must be written by a licensed mental health professional and should be specific to the individual’s needs. An ESA letter does not guarantee that an emotional support animal will be allowed in all situations. For example, an ESA may not be allowed in a restaurant or on an airplane. However, an ESA letter can be used as evidence that an individual has a legitimate need for an emotional support animal.

An ESA letter is not required by law, but it may be helpful in some situations.

Who Can Write an ESA Letter?A licensed mental health professional, such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, or licensed clinical social worker, can write an ESA letter.   must be written on the letterhead of the mental health professional and should include their license number and contact information.

How to Get an ESA Letter?

If you think you may benefit from an emotional support animal, you should speak with a mental health professional. A therapist, psychiatrist, or other mental health professional can write an ESA letter for you. There are few steps to follow while getting an ESA letter.

  • Schedule an appointment with a mental health professional.
  • Take the letter to a housing provider and provide it to them. If a housing provider agrees that an individual would benefit from an ESA, they will allow the animal to live with the individual.
  • Take the animal to a veterinarian and have it registered as an ESA. The veterinarian will provide the individual with a letter stating that the animal is an ESA. This letter is not required by law, but it may make it easier for a housing provider to accept the animal.
  • Take the animal to the housing provider and provide them with the letter from the veterinarian. If the housing provider agrees that the animal is an ESA, they will allow the animal to live with the individual. During the appointment, the mental health professional will evaluate the individual and determine if they would benefit from an ESA. If the mental health professional determines that an ESA would be beneficial, they will write a letter stating so.

What an ESA Letter Should Include?

An ESA letter should include the following information:

  • The name of the individual
  • The mental or emotional disability that benefits from the companionship of an ESA
  • The type of ESA that would be beneficial for the individual
  • The name and contact information of the mental health professional
  • The date the letter was written

How to Use an ESA Letter?

An ESA letter can be used to request accommodations from landlords, airlines, and others. The letter should be presented to the person or organization that the individual is requesting accommodations from.

ESA Laws

There are federal laws that protect the rights of individuals with ESAs. These laws include the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Fair Housing Act (FHA).


An ESA letter is a document that can be used to request accommodations for an individual with a mental or emotional disability. The letter must be written by a licensed mental health professional and should be specific to the individual’s needs.


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